Technology Beginner

1. Do you drive? Are you a good or bad driver? If not, do you want to drive? Why?
2. Do you think there are a lot of unsafe drivers? How so?
3. Do you think people are on their phones too much? How so?
Distracted Driving: Using Your Cell Phone While Driving
Driving and using cell phones are topics that people have different opinions about. Let's hear what four different people think about using cell phones while driving:
Maria: "I think using cell phones while driving is very dangerous. It distracts us from the road, and accidents can happen. Safety is the most important thing, so I never use my phone when I'm driving."
John: "I know it can be risky, but sometimes I use my phone while driving. If it's urgent, I quickly answer a call. I try to keep it short and always keep my eyes on the road."
Sarah: "I believe using hands-free devices is okay. They let me talk on the phone without holding it. It's safer because my hands stay on the wheel, and I can concentrate on driving."
David: "I disagree with banning phone use while driving. People should have the freedom to decide. Some drivers are responsible and can use phones safely. It's about being careful and knowing when it's okay to use the phone."
How does Maria feel about using cell phones while driving?
What does John do when he needs to use his phone while driving?
What is Sarah's opinion about using hands-free devices while driving?
What does David believe about banning phone use while driving?
1. It's dangerous and can cause accidents.
2. He keeps the conversation short and his eyes always on the road.
3. She believes it is safer because she can keep her hands on the wheel.
4. People should have the freedom to use their phones.
1. Who do you agree with the most? Why?
2. Do you ever use your phone while driving?
3. Do you think eating or drinking while driving can be distracting? Why or why not?
4. Do you think it is safe to drive while using 'hands free devices'? Why or why not?
5. Are there any laws or rules in your country about using cell phones while driving?
Opinion: A personal view or belief about something, often based on thoughts or feelings rather than facts.
Dangerous: Something that is likely to cause harm, injury, or pose a threat to safety.
Distract: To divert someone's attention away from something they should be focused on.
Risky: Involving the possibility of danger, harm, or unpleasant consequences.
Urgent: Requiring immediate action or attention, often because of an important need or situation.
Devices: Objects or machines designed for a particular purpose, often electronic or mechanical in nature.
Concentrate: To focus all attention, effort, and thoughts on a particular task or activity.
Banning: Prohibiting or officially disallowing something by establishing a rule or law against it.
Responsible: Being accountable or dependable; showing good judgment and taking care in one's actions.
Accidents: Unexpected events that cause damage, injury, or harm due to unforeseen circumstances or mistakes.
Driving While Using Your Phone
Step 1: Introduce the topic of phones and technology. Ask your students what they usually do on their phones. Introduce terms like apps, social media, call, text, etc.
Step 2: Have the students discuss the warm-up questions and ask for some answers to have conversations.
Step 3: Introduce the article. Have your students read aloud and go through the vocabulary.
Step 4: Have the students complete the vocabulary worksheet before the reading or after the reading. This will depend on teacher preferences.
Step 5: Let the students discuss the discussion questions and elicit answers from them after they are done. You should get them to use the vocabulary in their discussions.