Technology Intermediate

1. What is your favourite piece of technology you own and why?
2. Have phones changed your life? How so? Do you remember what your life was like before mobile phones?
3. Do you think it’s safe for kids to have mobile phones? Should they be banned at schools?
Internet Addiction
Internet addiction is a new term to describe a dependency on the internet. Internet addiction is not limited to just personal computers. It also covers other forms of devices or gadgets like video games, phones, and watching tv. Similar to people growing addicted to a variety of substances, such as drugs and alcohol; people can also get addicted to other things, such as exercise, food, and now spending too much time on the internet. Like any addiction, the person might not know if they are addicted or feels that they are in control of what they are doing. It is usually a slow but gradual process, where the person continues to spend more time, money, or energy feeding their addiction.
This can cause problems with people’s relationships and friends as they can feel ignored. Things like hygiene, eating properly, or getting exercise can also be ignored and come at a cost to the person’s health. Studies are also finding that children are some of the most affected by internet addiction. A recent study showed that children can suffer from ‘computer rage’, whereby they get extremely angry when they are not allowed to play computer games. Not only can they experience rage from computer games, but it is likely they will fall behind in school as well.
When does computer addiction become an addiction? It can be hard to tell when someone is addicted to their computer or device. The first question is how much time is spent on their device and how long can they ignore it for. When countless hours are spent on the internet without rest, then it is likely someone has a mild to heavy addiction to the internet.
Some of the worst examples of this are in internet cafes, where some young people play computer games for up to 12 hours or more a day. Another problem is when people spend too much money either on the internet or buying computer games. With shopping easier than it’s ever been before, people can easily rack up high debts from online shopping that become almost impossible to pay off. It should also not be forgotten that a lot of people have lost all their money from computer gambling, video games, or having been fired for wasting time at work which makes it harder to pay their bills.
As with any addiction, steps can be taken to treat internet addiction. Limiting the amount of time spent on the computer or playing video games is a simple step. It’s important to turn off your computer and get out of the house and get time for yourself away from any devices. Having other hobbies and meeting with friends is a great distraction from spending too much time on any device. However, some countries have taken more serious steps in dealing with internet addiction. In China, rehabilitation camps have been built for young teens who are addicted to the internet. There, they undergo exercise and are not allowed to use any devices. The government has also added new rules for those under 18, limiting them to three hours of gameplay a week. Although awareness about internet addiction is becoming more common, some people are worried about the improvement of technology. With the beginning of the Metaverse and more virtual reality technology coming to the forefront, internet addiction could become much worse in the future.
1. What kind of things can people get addicted to?
2. What problems can happen when people have internet addiction?
3. What are some really bad cases of internet addiction?
4. What is China doing to stop internet addiction for young people?
1. Drugs, alcohol, exercise, food, and spending too much time on the internet.
2. Problems with relationships, hygiene, eating properly, getting rage.
3. 12 hours a day playing video games, online shopping with high debts, getting fired from work from too much time on the internet.
4. Limiting the amount of time they spend on the internet and creating rehabilitation camps.
1.Are you addicted to the internet? Do you try to not use any devices? Explain your habits.
2. How do you feel about the Chinese government limiting the amount of time young people can play video games? Do you think this is a good idea?
3. Do you think internet addiction will get worse in the future? How so?
Addicted: Physically or mentally dependent on a substance or activity, often with harmful consequences.
Dependency: The state of relying on or being controlled by something, such as a substance or behaviour.
Gradual: Happening slowly over time, step by step, without sudden changes.
Hygiene: Staying clean, especially for personal care (washing hands, brushing teeth)
Rehabilitation: The process of restoring someone's physical or mental abilities after an illness or addiction.
Rack up: To accumulate or gather, often used informally to describe amassing points, debts, or expenses.
Internet Addiction
Step 1: Introduce the topic of technology. Ask your students what they like to do on the internet. Introduce terms like apps, social media, browser, internet cafes, etc.
Step 2: Have the students discuss the warm-up questions and ask for some answers to have conversations.
Step 3: Introduce the article. Have your students read aloud and go through the vocabulary.
Step 4: Have the students complete the vocabulary worksheet before the reading or after the reading. This will depend on teacher preferences.
Step 5: Let the students discuss the discussion questions and elicit answers from them after they are done. You should get them to use the vocabulary in their discussions.