Travel Intermediate

1. Do you like traveling? What do you like most about traveling? What do you not like about traveling?
2. Do you prefer to travel on your own or with a tour group? How is traveling alone or with a tour group different?
3. Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why?
It’s not always easy to find the money or the time to travel. With the cost of living going up and the problem of unaffordable housing, some people have chosen to take a different path in how they wish to live their lives. It’s called ‘van life’, a new lifestyle where you live in a camper van or vehicle that has everything you need. These vans usually come equipped with a bed, kitchen, dining table, and toilet, and some even have showers. Try to think about squeezing your apartment into the space of a van. Forget about paying for rent, electricity, water, sewage, trash, and all the other utilities you must pay for when living in a house or apartment.
This is also an alternative lifestyle that has become more attractive to digital nomads, those who work from home and are able to travel while working on their laptops. It also offers the opportunity to connect with nature and be able to travel while you work, especially when you want to save money on things like hotels and restaurants. Van life isn’t just about the freedom to work and travel at the same time, it is also about living with less. For those who want to reduce their environmental footprint or are interested in a more minimalist lifestyle, Van Life is a great alternative. The idea is to live with what is only necessary. Living in tiny space forces a person to live a simpler life where they can only bring the things that they need, which helps reduce as much as they can waste.
The lifestyle has also become very popular on social media and has created quite a large community of “van lifers”. These people love to connect and meet up with others living the van lifestyle. There are a number of message boards about how to convert your van, how to fix things, places you should visit, and tips on how to make the lifestyle as easy as possible. This gives van lifers a sense of community and makes it better for those who wish to make new friends or need help when they run into a problem.
However, the van lifestyle isn’t for everyone. For some people, they find the space of living in a van far too small and not as comfortable as living in an apartment or a house. There’s very little space for those with children or pets and it is mostly suited for those who are single or have a partner. It can also be difficult to balance your work schedule and have the internet when you are camping in remote areas. If your van breaks down or needs fixing, it can cost you a lot of money and time to repair it. Other things include finding places to park, having enough power, getting rid of your garbage, having little privacy, and needing to heat up your van during the colder months. Not all vans have a shower, so finding a public one can be difficult. There is also the consideration of the cost of a van. A van can easily cost up to $50,000 or more if you want it to have certain utilities, and the cost of fuel can quickly change your monthly budget. Some who have tried to live the van lifestyle can become sick of it or find it too difficult to keep costs down and are forced to sell their vans.
Although living in a van is not for everyone, the lifestyle has certainly become more popular. People are tired of trying to save money and more workers working from home now have the opportunity to seek out different choices of lifestyle. Already, car companies, apps, and other businesses are trying to capitalize on and make the van lifestyle as easy and competitive as possible. It could very well be in the near future that more and more people consider the van lifestyle as it becomes a more appealing way of life.
1. What are ‘digital nomads'?
2. What do ‘van lifers’ discuss on message boards and social media?
3. Why isn’t the van life for everyone?
4. What can quickly change your monthly budget?
5. How much can a van easily cost?
1. Those who can work from home and travel while working on their laptops.
2. About how to convert your van, how to fix things, places you should visit, and tips on how to make the lifestyle as easy as possible.
3. They find the space of living in a van far too small and not as comfortable as living in an apartment or a house. It can also be difficult to balance your work schedule and have the internet when you are camping in remote areas.
4. The cost of fuel.
5. $50,000 or more.
1. What do you think about the 'van life' lifestyle? What do you like and dislike?
2. Would you ever want to live in a van and travel? Why or why not?
3. Have you ever thought about living an 'alternative lifestyle'? (sail boat, tiny home, farm, digital nomad)
Utilities: Services such as electricity, water, gas, or sewage systems that are essential for daily life in homes or buildings.
Alternative: Something that serves as a different choice or option, often used as a substitute or a different approach from the usual one.
Digital Nomads: Individuals who use technology to work remotely and often travel, relying on the Internet to perform their jobs from various locations.
Reduce: To make something smaller in size, quantity, or extent; to diminish or lessen the amount of something.
Environmental Footprint: The impact or effect that human activities have on the environment, particularly in terms of resource consumption, pollution, and waste generation.
Minimalism: A lifestyle or design concept that focuses on simplicity, removing excess or unnecessary items, and emphasizing only essential elements.
Convert: To change something into a different form, purpose, or system.
Remote Areas: Places or regions that are situated far away from cities or densely populated areas, often characterized by limited access to facilities or services.
Budget: A plan that outlines the allocation of money for specific purposes or expenses within a certain period.
Capitalize On: To take advantage of an opportunity or situation to gain a benefit or advantage.

Van Life
Step 1: Introduce the topic of travel. Ask your students what kind of travel they like to do and where do they like to stay in; hotel, hostel, Airbnb, tent, camper van, etc.
Step 2: Have the students discuss the warm-questions and ask for some answers after they are done to create conversations.
Step 3: Introduce the article. Have your students read aloud and go through some of the vocabulary.
Step 4: Have the students complete the vocabulary worksheet before the reading or after the reading. This will depend on teacher preferences.
Step 5: Let the students discuss the discussion questions and elicit answers from them after they are done. You should get them to use the vocabulary in their discussions.