Small Talk Discussion Questions
Beginner Level:
1. Do you like small talk? Why or why not?
2. Are you good or bad at small talk? How so?
3. Is small talk important? How so?
4. What small talk topics do you like or hate to talk about? Why?
5. What are the good things and bad things about small talk?
6. What is the best way to start having small talk with a stranger?
7. Where are the best places to have small talk with a stranger? Why?
8. Where are the worst places to have small talk with a stranger? Why?
9. What kind of small talk topics would you talk about at a bus stop, grocery store, waiting room, bar, or on a plane?
10. What small talk topics are not polite to talk about?
11. What can make small talk ‘awkward’?
Intermediate Level:
1. Are there any cultural differences in the way people from other countries have small talk?
2. Are there any techniques for making small talk more interesting or meaningful?
3. How can small talk be used to ‘break the ice’ in unfamiliar social situations?
4. Is there a difference between small talk in professional settings versus social settings? How so?
5. What was the best small talk experience you have ever had?
6. What was the worst small talk experience you have ever had?
7. Is it becoming easier or harder to engage in small talk these days? How so?
8. Can you make mistakes while engaging in small talk? How so?
9. Do you think small talk will change in the future? How so? What kinds of new topics might people discuss?
Advanced Level:
1. Is small talk necessary to be successful at networking? Why or why not?
2. What role does small talk play in social interactions? How does it contribute to building relationships?
3. Can small talk lead to deeper conversations, or does it typically remain superficial?
4. How does technology, such as social media and texting, impact the way we engage in small talk?
5. Are networking events a good way to make connections? Why or why not?
6. Is small talk different between different generations? How so?
7. How does your generation do small talk that is different from other generations?
8. Is small talk different between different generations? How so? How does your generation do small talk that is different from other generations?
9. Have you ever made a really meaningful connection with someone from small talk with a stranger?